Canmore Cosmetic Dentistry You Can Trust

Having a healthy, attractive smile can not only enhance your self-esteem but also affect how others perceive you. Getting a job, building relationships, or impressing clients can all can benefit from a winning smile.

If you're unhappy with your smile, cosmetic dentistry may offer the solution you're looking for. From covering up chipped teeth with veneers to whitening your enamel, Canmore Dentistry can provide safe, effective cosmetic procedures. Our goal with every patient is to support your oral health while creating a bright, confident smile. Call our office today to ask about our cosmetic dental services!


Teeth Whitening in Canmore with Day White® and Zoom®

Everyone longs for a clean, naturally bright smile. If you're dealing with dullness or enamel stains, you can enhance your smile with our non-invasive whitening process and products from Day White and Zoom teeth whitening systems. We offer both take-home trays and in-office whitening, so you can choose the option that suits your lifestyle best.

Our Day White take-home trays involve two visits. We take impressions at the first visit so we can create your custom trays and educating you on their proper use at the second visit. Once you receive your trays, we make any necessary adjustments and send you home with a whitening solution. You fill the trays with the solution and wear them either for short periods a few times a day or overnight for a week or two. Our team will talk you through the most effective method to get the results you're looking for.

Our in-office teeth whitening option takes about an hour. Our staff start by covering your lips and gums to protect them from sensitivity, then we apply the hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth. We shine a light on your teeth for about 15 minutes to break up discolouration, then repeat the 15-minute session twice more during the visit.

Don't worry if you experience mild tooth sensitivity after a whitening treatment, as it should go away within a few hours. You may need to repeat the treatments periodically, especially if you consume staining foods like coffee, tea, wine, or berries, or if you smoke.

Porcelain Veneers Give You a Smile to Be Proud Of

If you're bothered by front teeth that are broken, oddly shaped, severely stained, or crooked, porcelain veneers may be the answer. Veneers can also cover gaps and teeth that appear too large or too small.

Porcelain veneers are durable, fingernail-thin covers for your front teeth. We have veneers custom-made by a laboratory to match the shape and colour you prefer. First, we buff and shape the surface of your tooth to accommodate the thickness of the veneer. We'll take an impression of your teeth, and you'll choose a colour for your veneers.

On your second visit, we'll cleanse your teeth thoroughly and place the veneer. We'll also provide instructions on how to make them last. You may someday need replacements, but your new veneers should remain beautiful for many years.

Invisalign® Clear Teeth Aligners

Besides the common self-confidence problems, crooked teeth can impede chewing, make it harder to brush, and cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Fortunately, you can address misalignments with Invisalign clear aligners. A visually subtle teeth-straightening choice, Invisalign is popular among both older teens and adults.

If you choose Invisalign treatment, we'll begin with a 3-D scan of your mouth. From these scans, your custom aligners are made specifically for you. With Invisalign, you can eat anything you like, brush and floss normally, and participate in the sports you love. As your teeth straighten, you'll switch to your next aligners every two weeks.

Cosmetic Restorations Keep You Smiling

Our experienced dentists delight in restoring your smile to its former attractiveness using quality cosmetic restorations. Talk to us about any cosmetic restorations you'd like to consider.

  • Composite Fillings - Patients appreciate composite fillings primarily because they are tooth-coloured. Materials for composite fillings have improved markedly over the last few years. Whether your tooth has cracked or decayed, these white fillings are a good choice for making your tooth whole again.
  • Procera® Crowns - When your tooth is weakened by decay, cracked, or oddly shaped, we can improve the appearance and strength with a crown. Here at Canmore Dentistry, we offer Procera crowns. Made of ceramic coated with porcelain, they appear very similar to your natural teeth and restore their original function and shape.
  • Dental Implants - If it is impossible to restore your damaged tooth, you may need an extraction and a dental implant or implants. Dental implants can restore a missing tooth or teeth to their original strength and appearance. Your new prosthetic will be indistinguishable from the others and will even have a titanium root to hold it tightly in place. With an implant, you won't be restricted in the types of food you can eat or how you treat your replacement teeth.

Make Us Your Canmore Cosmetic Dentist

Whether you're looking for dental implants or simple at-home teeth whitening, our cosmetic procedures here at Canmore Dentistry are effective and safe. You can trust our dentists, Dr. Moldenhauer, Dr. Piercy, and Dr. Sajjad, to use the latest in dental technology to give you the smile of your dreams. Make an appointment today to discuss the possibilities.


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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please tell us how you heard about us.

Office Hours
8am - 5pm
8am - 5pm
8am - 5pm
8am - 5pm
8am - 5pm
Office Location
1001 6 Ave #217, Canmore, AB T1W 3L8, Canada
Canmore, Alberta T1W 3L8
Phone: (403) 678-4533
Fax: (403) 678-3632